Pavement management Plans
MULTI-YEAR PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLANS (PMP) and reports provide a comprehensive review of all asphalt concrete (HMA) surfaces, a site-by-site maintenance plan of action and a year-by-year budget for an entire system on an annual basis. While based on strategic compilations of data from pavement assessments and pavement evaluations, pavement management plans are easy to understand and use.
Pavement management plan achieve remarkable savings in maintenance and personnel costs, all the while preserving and extending the life pavement. A multi-year plan allows clients to monitor the treatments received from paving contractors and track the effectiveness of those treatments. It provides justification for current funding levels and a basis for securing additional funding for pavement maintenance. In short, a pavement assessment and a multi-year pavement management plan puts control of assets in your hands and not in the hands of contractors.
Depending on the type of pavement investigation, pavement type and location, a pavement management plan can include:
a description of pavement design basics, causes of pavement deterioration, and maintenance and rehabilitation procedures.
evaluation criteria, Pavement Condition Index (PCI) scoring and unit costs.
a general condition description of the evaluated pavements.
physical properties and structural capacity of existing pavement.
load effects (stresses) on the existing pavement structure.
environmental effects on the existing pavement structure.
laboratory test results.
an ADA review.
the documented condition of exterior concrete facilities, including any broken curbs or trip hazards that pose liability problems.
recommended rehabilitation and maintenance procedures sorted by priority.
individual maintenance or rehabilitation recommendations for each area.
a site exhibit identifying each area and photographs of the evaluated sites.
a five-year maintenance and budget plan for each site.
Pavement management plans can be updated every three to four years or more frequently to ensure that PCI data from the original assessment is still on target and to monitor the effectiveness of the applied treatments.
For cities, counties, universities and large corporations, PEI can develop an entire Pavement Management Plan (PMP), which includes a detailed database inventory of all paved areas, road sections or sites. A PMP is based on a visual evaluation that is analyzed and used to develop a customized multi-year plan and budget for current and future maintenance needs road by road, pavement by pavement. A PMP is designed to maximize the service life of pavement at the lowest possible cost. Because information is stored in a database, it can be sorted by different criteria such as facility number, management work group, work type, work priority, cost, etc.