PEI understands that well-designed pavement can be the difference between a long-lasting structure and one with a significantly reduced service life. From site plans to public agency documents to pavement rehabilitation documents, we have the experience to assist you through each step of the design process. Many pavement-related design projects today also require upgrading facilities related to accessibility. PEI is thoroughly knowledgeable and experienced with the multitude of federal and state requirements that apply to exterior accessibility design, including disabled parking, accessible paths of travel, curb ramps, railings, signage, etc.
PEI also designs landscaped environments, including urban streetscapes, roadway medians and landscaping projects. Because we understand the relationship between hardscapes and landscapes, we can meld both disciplines into seamless, cohesive designs that enhance any site.
Public agency contract documents for pavement maintenance or rehabilitation are specialized, detailed and dynamic. Because Pavement Engineering Inc. (PEI) has worked with more than a hundred California cities, counties and government agencies, we understand the process. We have the flexibility, communication and coordination skills to ensure projects are completed with few if any interruptions or delays.
Pavement rehabilitation documents translate engineering recommendations into plans and specifications that are essential for obtaining quality pavement repair work from contractors.
Accessibility (ada) design
Accessibility (ADA) design is an issue that applies to most site improvement projects today. Federal laws and State regulations provide guidelines for accessible facilities in construction projects.
Streetscape design is a term typically associated with the restoration of urban areas to create a more attractive, comfortable and safe setting for the public. These types of projects often include improvements not just to the roadway paving but to the surrounding environment as well.
Landscape architectural design beautifies our built environment and helps define a place, whether it’s a public roadway, a shopping center, a school, a church, or any other type of development. Just about every type of community improvement includes a landscaping component as mandated by local building codes.